Friday, May 7, 2010

PP'd on no more!!

Welcome, one and all, to our blog!

If you're a photographer, you probably know those two dreaded words, "Photo Provided" VERY well. Getting PP'd on does, unfortunately, happen to the best of us at times...and for some of us, it happens ALL the time...or at least it feels that way.

It's not like we didn't rearrange our schedules (probably multiple times) to fit in a "quick" picture session for a client, and then once we got there had to wait an hour before we got started...or we had to (re)direct the whole session since everyone thinks they are photographers and can pose the perfect picture. And it's not like we didn't, then, have to submit that photograph an hour after the session (see the part about rearranging our schedule multiple times, at the beginning of this paragraph) was over, because everyone else in the chain has harsh deadlines, except for us. You may even have had to provide "copy" for the photograph, since your clients are too busy to do that.

And then comes publication sit down with your morning beverage of choice (and for some of us this may be an "adult" beverage of choice), open up your local newspaper with the anticipation that might only rival Christmas morning, only to find that underneath your hard fought and perfectly photographed image are the two words that drive any photographer totally insane (ok, that might be a stretch) PHOTO PROVIDED...not PHOTO PROVIDED by ______. Just "PHOTO PROVIDED" AAARRRGGHHH!!!

Whether it's office politics, a forgetful editor, a vengeful editor, a rival photographer who's an editor, or just plain forgetfulness, those two words are the bane of all photographers.

But NO MORE! This site is dedicated to all photographers out there that have ever been PP'd on...which would be EVERY one of you!

Being PP'd on is a badge of honor around here, now, and something we whole-heartedly embrace as a sign that our careers are still going absolutely nowhere...and we have the proof! And LOTS of it!!

So we welcome any and all submissions! Please included your photograph, and a synopsis of the session....and feel free to give yourself all the credit and accolades that you'd like. As editors, however, we do reserve the right to not give you credit for anything, and we may not even publish your photograph, if it doesn't meet our fine standards..either that or we'll publish it a week after your event is over, when the picture has become meaningless..but I digress...

So enjoy our little site, and send those photographs over here to get the proper credit you deserve!